Greta Thunberg has shown us that those who will soon inherit the earth can be an irrepressible force to compel government, business, and community leaders to take action to combat climate change. We must encourage all young people to join the crusade to preserve our precious blue and green jewel in the endless blackness of space.

Parents, grandparents, older siblings, and teachers can all play vital parts. This week the World's Largest Classroom Climate Campaign launched new resources in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, and Russian that invite students to explore the power of collective action against Climate Change.
How can we use these resources? Start by showing students Call to Learning. It features incredible youth climate activists from all over the world. Follow up with a discussion using Earth, It's Everybody's Home. Then choose any of the other lessons.
We are all stakeholders in protecting our planet. Let's all do what we can by becoming part of the Climate Campaign!