Reimagining Education
to graduate life-ready world-changers
Career Buzz Radio Show
I was proud to be on yesterday’s Career Buzz Radio Show hosted by Shellie Deloyer founder of Bright Futures Education and Career Coaching with Gillian Johnston , Director at Career Development Practitioners Certification Board of Ontario . Shellie and I first discussed the need for K-12 education to produce life-ready graduates. Then I explained how Transitions Canada mobilizes partners across the country to pitch in on transformative pan-Canadian initiatives to help educators, parents, and community partners better help students to identify and develop their unique strengths and aspirations and acquire the competences they will need to claim their chosen place in the global village. Gillian and Shellie discussed the evolving career development profession, explaining that thousands of experienced and passionate professionals across Canada are ready, willing, and able to help people of all ages who are adrift in their careers or stuck in intolerable circumstances. Gillian also mentioned an exciting new pan-Canadian project of the Canadian Council for Career Development to enhance the Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners . We wrapped up forecasting a bright future for career development. The ‘field’ is rapidly becoming a genuine profession. Adults adapting to vast and uncertain changes in the very nature of work are, more and more, turning to career practitioners and coaches for help, as they do with financial advisors, psychologists, fitness coaches, etc. Educators are realizing that getting students career- and life-ready is their raison d’être. Listen to the Show